Insulation Contractors Houston keeps homes comfortable, lowers energy bills, and helps clean air. It also reduces the time a home’s air conditioning or furnace has to work, so it runs less often and uses less energy.

Most insulation slows heat transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation. Cellulose, blown-in fiberglass, and foam are some of the most common types of insulation.


Eco-friendly insulation is made from source and produced using sustainable practices. These materials are also safe to use and do not contain harmful chemicals. Eco-friendly insulation has a higher R-value, which helps to regulate the flow of heat in your home and reduce energy consumption. It also has a longer lifespan, meaning it will last longer before needing to be replaced. In addition, it is often less expensive than fiberglass insulation.

The best eco-friendly insulation for green homes is cellulose, made from recycled paper and newsprint. It is one of the most popular types of. It has a high R-value and is odorless, making it a good choice for sensitive homeowners. It is available in batt or blanket rolls, blown-in, or as boards. It is made from a natural material and does not contain any formaldehyde or VOCs. The only additives are a small amount of boric acid and sulfate of ammonium, which are both used as fire retardants.

Other non-toxic insulation options include sheep’s wool, wood fiber, and cork. Sheep’s wool has a good R-value and is odorless. It is also environmentally friendly because it uses recycled materials and requires no chemical treatment. It can be used for wall and roof insulation and comes in various sizes to fit your house. It is a good idea to combine it with a moisture-regulating vapor barrier.

A green home without proper insulation is a major energy waste, which can be a huge environmental problem. It can also cause discomfort for the occupants. This is largely because of air leakage, condensation, and draughts.

To improve energy efficiency, install new insulation or retrofit your existing insulation to a higher R-value. You can also use a solar hot water system, saving you money on your electricity bills.

Insulation is a material designed to prevent heat or sound from being transferred from one area of your home to another. It primarily works by trapping pockets of air, which are extremely good at resisting conduction. Insulation is commonly measured or rated by its R-value, which indicates how much thermal resistance it has. The higher the R-value, the more effective the insulation is.

Insulations can be made from a variety of materials. Some of the most common and readily available types include cellulose, fiberglass, rock wool, and hemp. Some of these products are non-toxic, but most contain chemicals and flame retardants that harm humans and animals. These chemicals leach into the house as dust, and most people inhale them directly through their hands or mouths. Some types of insulation are even toxic if they come into contact with skin.

The most durable types of insulation are often made from recycled materials and are highly resistant to moisture. They can also reduce energy bills significantly, as they keep temperatures inside the house consistent and prevent drafts. Additionally, most types of insulation are made from fire-resistant materials and can prevent the spread of fire throughout a building.

Generally, insulation can be divided into three categories: rigid, semi-rigid, and soft. Rigid insulation is typically plastic foam such as EPS and XPS (expanded polystyrene) that can be used in stem walls or under concrete slabs. While it is an excellent insulator, it is heavy and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Cork, a natural product, is much more environmentally friendly but tends to cost significantly more.

Semi-rigid insulation is usually rock wool or a fiberglass board that can be installed with nails, screws, staples, or glue. It is highly water-resistant and has low vapor permeance, so it can be used in damp areas. It is also durable and can withstand severe weather conditions, including high winds and freezing temperatures.

The most common and affordable type of insulation is cellulose, which can be found in a wide variety of sources, including paper, denim, cotton, and other plant-based materials. It can be blown into attic floors and wall cavities using special equipment or poured in place.

Insulation is a key component in making buildings more energy efficient. It reduces the amount of heat transferred in or out, which cuts heating and cooling bills. In addition, it reduces the amount of air leakage in the building envelope, which is a major source of energy waste. Insulation also acts as a sound barrier, which reduces noise levels. If you consider installing insulation, look for non-toxic alternatives such as mineral wool or cellulose. In addition, check if your local utility offers residential energy efficiency programs to help cover the installation cost.

In general, newer homes are better insulated than older ones. However, many existing homes need the proper level of insulation to meet recommended energy standards. Installing insulation is a cost-effective solution for both new and old homes. It can save you money in the long run and reduce your dependence on fossil fuels.

The main types of insulation are fiberglass, cellulose, and spray foam. Some are derived from petroleum-based sources, while others are made from recycled materials. Foam insulation can be used in walls, ceilings, and floors of new construction or as a retrofit in existing homes. It is available in various R-values, and some types are suitable for specific climate zones.

Fiberglass insulation is typically blown into place using special equipment and can be used in irregularly shaped areas or around obstructions. It has a high R-value and is effective at stopping downward heat flow. It contains the toxic methylene diphenyl diisocyanate, which can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

Cellulose insulation is made from recycled paper products treated with chemicals to make them less flammable. It is usually backed with foil or plastic that blocks the flame retardants, but it can still have a strong off-gassing odor. Some cellulose insulation is backed with boric acid, which makes it pest-resistant and safer for humans to live in than conventional insulation.

Professionals or homeowners can install spray foam, but it requires special equipment and personal protective gear. It contains the chemical methylene diphenyl diisocyanate, or methylene dibromide (MBD), which can affect the nervous system and lead to liver damage. It is also a fire hazard and produces dangerous vapors during installation.

Insulation is one of the most cost-effective ways to make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient. It reduces heat loss during the winter and keeps heat from entering in the summer. It also prevents condensation problems that can affect the interior of a home. It is important to choose the right type of insulation for your climate and home and to install it correctly.

Many different types of home insulation are available, from blanket insulation to sprayed and blown-in options. All kinds of insulation are designed to reduce the transfer of heat. However, each type works in a slightly different way to keep heat in or out of the home. Blanket insulation, for example, is made of fibrous materials and traps air pockets inside the insulation. This helps to give it its high R-value. It can be installed at the time of construction or in existing homes. When installing, properly cut and fit blanket insulation in place. Gaps can reduce efficiency by up to 25 percent. Also, check for a tight fit around building components that penetrate the insulation, such as electrical boxes.

Spray-in or blown-in insulation is another option, and it can be installed in attics or other hard-to-reach areas. It is usually made of liquid polyurethane and comes in two forms: open-cell and closed-cell foam. Open-cell foam has a lower R-value and is lighter, while closed-cell insulation has a higher R-value and is denser. It can be sprayed into walls or cavities or sprayed onto existing insulation to add R-value.

Adding insulation to your home is an affordable project that homeowners or contractors can complete. However, the installation process can be tricky and requires specialized equipment. Use a professional installer if possible, especially when working with fiberglass. In addition, it is important to use safety equipment when working with insulation.

Choosing the right type of insulation for your home depends on various factors, including local, state, and federal energy requirements. Depending on the area where you live, these requirements may specify certain amounts or R-values of insulation for new houses. Some of these requirements are mandated by law and can be enforced by the city or county.